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Healthy Streets for Surrey

Creating streets which are safe and green, beautiful, and resilient

9.7 Electric Vehicle (EV) charging

EV charging is a rapidly developing technology, and all developments must be planned to accommodate EV charging. Surrey County Council will seek to ensure that connection points are installed in line with emerging technical requirements and open standards. This guidance acknowledges that technology will continue to develop. This guidance applies to all new build (residential and commercial) development, and it is acknowledged that the retrofitting of EV chargers could require a more site-specific approach to design. This should be discussed with SCC on a case-by-case basis but should make best use of this guidance.

The following provisions should be made for EV chargers in developments in Surrey:

  • Charger provision should be in keeping with the requirements outlined in the SCC Parking Guidance [Reference 44] and the SCC Electric Vehicle Strategy [Reference 45]. For commercial developments 20% of unallocated parking bays should have an active charge point and an additional 20% of spaces should be provided with cabling and supply.
  • For new housing developments with garages and off-street parking, each dwelling should have an on plot fast charge point, this should typically be wall mounted.
  • Car club spaces should have one fast charging point per bay.
