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Healthy Streets for Surrey

Creating streets which are safe and green, beautiful, and resilient

6.2 Continuous level surface streets

Level surface streets have no, or only a slight, kerb upstand, removing vehicle priority. Two types of level surface street should be used:

Pedestrian priority streets. These have no defined carriageway and pedestrian priority.

These should be used on narrow and low trafficked streets.

In residential areas this street type should only be used for mews style, or very low trafficked streets and should use a different surface treatment to primary roads.

Delineated level surface streets. A defined carriageway and pavement but with low or flush kerbs delineating an advisory pavement space.

Asphalt should not be used for the carriageway, and road markings are not required, as the design of the carriageway should not imply that it is a space for vehicles only.